Possibly the biggest contribution parents and carers can make to Canterbury Vale School is to ensure an open dialogue with school staff.
A keystone of student success at Canterbury Vale School is consistency between expectations of students at home and at school.
By the same token we like to celebrate student success as a partnership and welcome parent/carer attendance at Award assemblies and other celebrations.
Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.
Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.
You can help by:
listening to children read in the classroom
volunteering on sports days
helping supervise excursions
getting involved in fundraising activities
joining school committees.
Keep an eye on the school newsletter for opportunities to help out at school and ask your child’s teacher if you are interested in helping in the classroom. You will be required to complete a working with children check beforehand.